
From Seed to IPO: A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Funding Types for Startup Businesses

Written by

Georgi Furnadzhiev

Published on

January 23, 2023
two males sitting on a couch while talking about funding types
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What are the funding types available for startup businesses?



Starting a business can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to funding. Fortunately, there are many different funding types available for startups such as funding from Angel investors, Venture capitalists, Bootstrapping, and Crowdfunding.

Let's take a look at the main funding types together! šŸ™Œ

  1. Angel InvestorsĀ 
  2. Venture Capitalists (VC)
  3. Bootstrapping
  4. Crowdfunding
  5. Conclusion

1. Angel InvestorsĀ 

Angel investors are wealthy individuals who put money into startups early on and receive part ownership of the business in return, which usually comes in the form of equity.

Angel investors also advise and assist the founder in growing the startup so that it can begin to generate revenue quickly and reliably. Business angels are different from venture capitalists (VCs) in that they tend to invest their own money rather than that of a fund. Because a high number of early-stage startups inevitably fail, growing numbers of business angels are forming groups or networks that enable them to pool investment capital for more advantageous deals and better risk management.

Pros of Angel InvestingĀ 

  • Can provide valuable advice and mentorship
  • Often have experience in the industry
  • Willing to invest in early-stage companies
  • Can offer smaller amounts of money
  • Can be more flexible with terms

Cons of Angel InvestingĀ 

  • Typically invest smaller amounts of money than venture capitalists
  • May not be able to provide the same level of funding as other sources
  • May not have as many resources to help startups grow
  • May require a larger stake in the company in exchange for funding
  • May have different priorities than the founder, such as a focus on short-term profits over long-term growth

āž”ļø Also interesting: Pro Tips for Startups on How to Find Angel Investors

2. Venture Capitalists (VC)Ā 

venture capitalists are on of the startup funding types

Venture capitalists often invest in startups at different stages of their development. Some venture capitalists specialize in pre-seed funding and seed-stage funding, which provides capital to startups that are just getting off the ground.

Other venture capitalists focus on later-stage funding, which provides capital to startups that have already demonstrated some level of success.Venture capitalists can also provide valuable guidance and mentorship to startups. Many venture capitalists have extensive experience in the industry and can offer valuable insights into the market and the competitive landscape. They can also provide introductions to potential partners or customers, which can help startups grow and scale more quickly.

Overall, venture capitalists can be a valuable source of funding and support for startups. However, it's important for entrepreneurs to carefully consider the pros and cons of working with venture capitalists and choose the option that best fits their needs and goals.

Pros Of Venture Capital Investing

  • Larger amounts of funding available
  • Access to extensive resources and expertise
  • Can provide valuable guidance and mentorship
  • Can open doors to new partnerships and opportunities

Cons of Venture Capital InvestingĀ 

  • More stringent requirements for investing
  • May require a larger stake in the company in exchange for funding
  • Can be more demanding and involved in the company's operations
  • May have different priorities than the founder, such as a focus on short-term profits over long-term growth

The Pitchdrive approach

Raising a funding round the old-fashioned way takes way longer than it should. From planning your round and designing pitch assets to investor sourcing, cold outreach, pitching, negotiatingā€¦ re-pitching, re-negotiating, syndicate forming, hopefully not having to re-pitch and re-negotiate again, signing, notarising, money transfersā€¦itā€™s not uncommon for founders to spend 9+ months dragging a deal over the line.

Driving this fundraising process forward is virtually a full-time job for a founder. As an entrepreneur myself, I want you to spend as little time as possible in ā€˜fundraising modeā€™ and get back to doing what you do best: talking to users and growing your startup.

From the moment you submit your Pitchdrive application, we aim to have your round completed within 30 days. Itā€™s an aim we normally succeed with.

šŸ‘‰ Learn why one of our co-founders isĀ Proud To Have No Fixed Startup ProgramĀ 

3. Bootstrapping

Bootstrap is one of the funding types

Another option for startups is to Bootstrap, or self-fund, their business.

Bootstrapping involves using personal savings, credit cards, or other sources of personal funding to finance the business. Bootstrapping can be challenging, but it allows startups to maintain control over their business and avoid taking on debt or giving up equity. However, bootstrapping may not be a viable option for all startups, especially those that require a significant upfront investment.

Pros of Bootstrapping

  • Maintain Control: By self-funding the business, entrepreneurs do not need to give up equity or control to investors, which can be important for maintaining a long-term vision for the business.
  • Avoid Debt: Bootstrapping allows entrepreneurs to avoid taking on debt, which can be a significant advantage for businesses that are just starting out or have limited funding options.
  • Flexible: Bootstrapping can be a flexible option for funding a business, as entrepreneurs can use personal savings, credit cards, or other sources of personal funding to finance the business.

Cons of Bootstrapping

  • Limited Resources: Bootstrapping may not provide the same level of resources and support as other funding options, which can limit the growth potential of a business.
  • Slow Growth: Because bootstrapping may not provide the same level of funding as other options, it can take longer for a business to grow and achieve its goals.
  • Limited Scalability: Bootstrapping may not be a viable option for businesses that require a significant upfront investment, as it may not provide the same level of resources and support as other funding options.

Overall, bootstrapping can be a viable option for startups that have limited funding options or want to maintain control over their business. However, it's important for entrepreneurs to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of this approach and choose the option that best fits their needs and goals.

4. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a method of raising funds for a project or startup business by soliciting small contributions from a large number of people, typically through online platforms such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

Crowdfunding can be a great option for startups that have a strong social media presence or a large network of supporters.

However, it can also be challenging because it requires a significant amount of time and effort to create a successful campaign.Ā 

Pros of Crowdfunding

  • Access to Funding: Crowdfunding can provide access to funding that may not be available through traditional sources such as venture capitalists or angel investors.
  • Market Validation: A successful crowdfunding campaign can serve as validation for a business idea or product, demonstrating that there is a demand for it in the market.
  • Engagement and Feedback: Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs to engage with potential customers and receive feedback on their products or idea.
  • Marketing and Promotion: The process of creating and promoting a crowdfunding campaign can help to build brand awareness and generate buzz for a business.
  • No Equity Required: Unlike traditional funding sources, crowdfunding does not require giving up equity in the company.

Cons of Crowdfunding

  • Time-Consuming: Creating a successful crowdfunding campaign can be a time-consuming process, requiring significant effort to create a compelling pitch, build a following, and manage the campaign.
  • Uncertain Outcomes: Crowdfunding campaigns are not guaranteed to be successful, and many campaigns fail to reach their funding goals.
  • High Fees: Crowdfunding platforms often charge fees for their services, which can eat into the funds raised.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Crowdfunding campaigns are subject to legal and regulatory requirements, which can be complex and time-consuming to navigate.
  • Public Disclosure: Crowdfunding campaigns typically require disclosing detailed information about the business or product, which may not be desirable for all entrepreneurs.


To sum it up, there are many different types of funding available for startup businesses. Angel investors, venture capitalists, and crowdfunding are all viable options for startups looking to raise money. It's important for entrepreneurs to understand the pros and cons of each funding source and choose the option that best fits their needs. With the right funding types and mentorship, startups can achieve their goals and grow into successful businesses.

Is your startup also a disruptive venture?Ā Sign up now with Pitchdrive!

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